Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Relationships from content shared in social networks

social networks content

I blogged last week that Bloomberg Law may be playing fast and loose with lawyers’ contributions to Bloomberg. 

I didn’t share the post on LinkedIn and Facebook as I usually do because it was Thanksgiving Eve. I didn’t want to be perceived as being critical of someone over the holiday.

And realistically, everyone had “gone home” for Thanksgiving. Not many business colleagues were going on LinkedIn or Facebook engaging on industry related matters over the holiday weekend.

Today, I realized I hadn’t shared my post so I did so on both of the social networks. Not for reach or traffic, per se, but for relationships — and learning.

I am not a big one to look at web stats and analytics on blog posts. Truth be told, I don’t know where to access my stats.

What I do like is the engagement with people that ensues from blogging. Especially with people I know, people I respect, people I learn from and maybe even people LexBlog has the nor to do business with.

Engaging people means going out where they are – on social networks. Social networks that have powerful algorithms. Surfacing things I am saying – my blog posts – with people whom may have an interest in the subject. 

Immediately after sharing my post at Facebook this afternoon, I engaged a leading public relations and communications professionals via a few comments back and forth. I learned a couple things, including how I might want to frame the ongoing discussion.

Our exchange also strengthened my business relationship with her. It’s not often we get to talk – maybe a conference or two a year. An exchange on social media means a lot.

Over on LinkedIn, I received a note from the head of a major player in legal. She wanted to learn more on the subject. We saw each other for the first time in a long time this fall and this exchange is going to lead to talking again.

If someone asked me what my stats and traffic were on this post, I’d respond, “Why would I care?”

Relationships and hanging with smart people are what I’m after. Engaging two folks (for now, as likely to increase) I  have a lot of respect for is worth all the traffic in the world. 

Understand you need to take your content out to places where people gather and you need to be using those places, regularly, for engagement to ensue. Here, the social networks, LinkedIn and Facebook. 

Relationships from content shared in social networks posted first on

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