Monday, November 5, 2018

Daily blogging

law Blog daily

Could I blog every day? I don’t know, I haven’t tried it.

Except for the early days of LexBlog, when I blogged as much as a I could, some days more than once, to generate business, I haven’t even come close.

Seth Godin, a widely known writer and speaker, got me thinking of daily blogging when he blogged last week about a collection of daily bloggers who have passed a thousand posts. As Seth says, it only takes three years — or so.

Fortunately, there are thousands of generous folks who have been posting their non-commercial blogs regularly, and it’s a habit that produces magic.

The magic?

Even if no one reads your blog, the act of writing is clarifying, motivating and (eventually) fun.

Clairifying. No doubt.

I’m convinced that I don’t know what I know until I blog it. More than one LexBlog product has come to fruition by thinking it through in a blog post two.

Motivating. Sure.

Get something out there and commit to it. Join the conversation among thought leaders in your field and feel the urge to stay at the top of your game. Feel the desire to want to share in a way that helps others.

And fun? Yep.

When I don’t blog, I miss it. Sure, there are days when other things seem more pressing, And there are days when travel absorbs me.

But with every blog post brings some quite time, a little thinking and invariably someone I connect with.

Almost two and a half years ago, I started running every day. I’m not to a thousand days yet, I’ll get there next March.

I didn’t set out to run a thousand days in a row. I didn’t have any target in mind, except to see what it would be like to run every morning  – a time of day I was not particularly fond of for running.

Running about three or four days a week, sometimes less, at the time, going every day was going to be a stretch.

But time for quite thinking, getting in shape, maybe eating better, feeling a sense of accomplishment and getting my dog out with me were all reasons for daily running.

A little to my surprise, after a few months, running every morning became a daily routine — that produced some magic — as Seth says, clarifying, motivating and fun.

How long before blogging becomes a daily routine? Per Seth:

What I’ve found is this–after people get to posting #200 or beyond, they uniformly report that they’re glad they did it. Give it a try for three or four months and see what happens…

Could I get to #200 or beyond? I’ll let you when I do – that is, start.

Daily blogging posted first on

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