Tuesday, July 25, 2017

WordPress dominates for websites and content management systems

WordPress for law sites

WordPress’ domination of the web, particularly in regard to websites with a content management system (CMS), continues.

Here are stats I pulled from a piece in Torque Magazine by German entrepreneur and marketer, Nick Schäferhoff and a web technology survey from Q-Success.

  • WordPress is used by 28.4% of all the websites, that is more than a billion sites.
  • WordPress is used by 59.2% of all the websites with a CMS. Its closest competitor, Joomla is used by only 6.3 percent.
  • WordPress sites around the world publish over 24 posts per second. This is measured by sites that are part of the WordPress network (meaning sites hosted either on WordPress.com or externally-hosted WordPress sites that have the Jetpack plugin installed).
  • WordPress sites receive 22.17 billion monthly page views (just within WordPress network). That’s three times as many as people on Earth.
  • There are 2.7 million global monthly Google searches for “WordPress.” This does not take into account people looking for “WordPress templates,” “WordPress plugins,” and other WordPress-centric information or under the abbreviation WP. Google Trends sees WordPress 5.5 times more popular than Joomla and almost nine times more in demand than Drupal.
  • WordPress 4.6, its latest version as of the end of 2016, has been downloaded 21.7 million times.
  • There are 72 translations of WordPress. In 2014, non-English downloads already surpassed English downloads. You can set your WordPress dashboard to (almost) any language you like.
  • There are more than 47,000 WordPress plugins. One of the main reasons WordPress is ahead of many other web platforms is its extendability. Plugins are available for all means and purposes.
  • The WordPress development community is steadily growing. There were 89 WordCamps, locally organized events for developers and users, in 34 countries with more than 21,000 participants in 2015.
  • WordPress is most popular with businesses versus news sites. Among the top one million websites in the world, the lion’s share of those powered by WordPress are related to business.

We’re closing in on one big giant when it comes to websites and CMS’s, something law firms and legal marketers will want to consider in their long term planning.

WordPress dominates for websites and content management systems posted first on https://injuryhelpnow.wordpress.com

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