Friday, December 16, 2016

How often should attorneys post to their law blogs?

Ian Turvill, CMO of Freeborn & Peters, asked me how often lawyers should be posting to their blogs as part of a LinkedIn piece he was doing on the subject. I thought you may enjoy my comments.

There is no exact formula for success, with success measured by building a name, relationships and revenue. Some lawyers have achieved success posting once a month, while others post several times a week.

There are also different types of blogs. Most offer insight and commentary to developments in the law, business and consumer affairs.

Other blogs make it their focus to timely report case law and regulatory developments. If a case comes down on a particular matter, the lawyer will jump on it. The same for agency and regulatory matters. Posting every couple days or, at least once a week becomes the norm.

I suggest a lawyer post often enough to enjoy blogging. If a lawyer does not enjoy blogging, blogging will become a chore and they’ll stop blogging. If the lawyer enjoys blogging, there is a strong likelihood they’ll achieve professional and business development success.

Enjoyment begins with blogging on an area you’re passionate about. Blogging then means sharing what you’re reading in the area and offering your take and commentary. By citing others, particularly influencers, you’ll grow your network, get seen, meet the “players,” and put things in motion to get cited by bloggers and reporters as well as get invited to speak.

To get started, I suggest bloggers post a couple times a month. Blogging takes longer at first. Once a lawyer gets the hang of it, blog when you have the time. It may then be once a week. It’s the enjoyment that will bring frequency and success.

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